"La la land" is a musical comedy drama. It's an American, incredible movie, which involve recipients. The director and the screenwriter is Damien Chazelle. The film has got 14 nominations to Oscar! The main actor is Ryan Gosling and the main actress is Emma Stone.
The play is set in Los Angeles. Sebastian, average jazz pianist, works in a common restaurant as a musician, but he wants to open his own place. Mia is a young, beginner actress, who between auditions works as a waitress. One day randomly Mia goes to the place where Sebastian plays. She is fascinated his music and they decided to meet together. Over time they fall in love. Unfortunately, they want to have a career - it makes that their relationship is putting to the rest.
It's an amazing movie which presents beautiful story of unhappy love and difficult way to have a career. The movie shows how important is a support and proximity the other person. We can see a way to score an other person's heart!
We can listen great songs! These are really fantastic! And diversify as well as good dance which is presents in a movie. The all cast is excellent!
The film has only one disadvantage - sometimes are moments unrealistic and a bit silly.
But the end of the film is real-life. Maybe disappointed but presents what does life give us. It's a bit sad for us, because the visitors want to see a happy end story. But when we think longer about this movie, we understand that this is really truthful film.
The landscape and play are great too!
I recommend this movie. It's worth to see it. If you see the film, you can have your own opinion. If you want to see real story (because people often make the same decision), it's for you.
Watch and tell me what do you think!
It's my first review in English!
If You are a native speaker or know English very well, You can help me with my mistakes. If You see something, in my posts, what is wrong, please tell me about it. It's very important for me - my "serious travel" with English start just now. This blog is a lesson for me with use English :)
In the link is a official teaser of the movie:
My dear Iga,
OdpowiedzUsuńIn my humble opinion you should add your rating in the 1-10 scale even when you review.
your humanistic and filmed husband :)